St Anne's Catholic Primary School

achieving excellence in all our God given talents

Lowe Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B12 0ER

0121 675 5037

Wheelchair Basketball

30 January 2019

Wheelchair basketball was played at the first Paralympic Games, held in 1960 in Rome, and is one of the few sports to have been present at all editions.

Wheelchair basketball is played by people with different level of physical disabilities that prevents running, jumping and pivoting. Riding on a wheelchair, a game of basketball is played among two teams of five players each.

On Wednesday 30th January, Pupils and staff at St Anne’s School had the opportunity to participate in an event which gave them the chance to find out more about the sport and develop the skills needed for wheelchair basketball. All the activities involved moving to music. The children took part in games they would often play during their break times including following the leader and tag. The main focuses of the activities were chair control and to develop the skills of manoeuvring forwards, backwards and pivoting.

Everybody had a wonderful day!