St Anne's Catholic Primary School

achieving excellence in all our God given talents

Lowe Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B12 0ER

0121 675 5037


The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalms 32:8

     Welcome to Year One! Our Year One Team consists of:

   Miss Allcock     


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                    Mr Healy                 



We would like to welcome both you and your child to Year One.

We are looking forward to working with you to ensure that your child achieves their very best academically, spiritually whilst also developing their wider gifts and God given talents.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child, please feel free to see me at the end of the day. If I am not available, or if that is not convenient for you, then we can arrange an appointment for another time. You can also refer to the following resources that were handed out during the Meet the Teacher in September, Year One Handbook

and Meet the Teacher Presentation.


Miss Allcock


Feast Day - 16 April.

Saint Bernadette Soubirous was born in Lourdes, France on January 7, 1844. Her parents were very poor and she was the first of nine children. She was baptized at St. Pierre's, the local parish church, on January 9. As a toddler, Bernadette contracted cholera and suffered extreme asthma. Unfortunately, she lived the rest of her life in poor health.

At the age of fourteen years old, Bernadette was sent to gather firewood. While collecting firewood, a very beautiful lady appeared to Bernadette above a rose bush in a grotto called Massabielle. This lady appeared eighteen times to her and asked for a chapel to be built at the nearby garbage dump of the cave-grotto at Massabielle. She would later receive recognition when the lady who appeared to her identified herself as the Immaculate Conception.

When Bernadette was 35 years old, she became very ill and died in the Sainte Croix (Holy Cross) Infirmary of the Convent of Saint-Gildard.

If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces… never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again. That’s the beauty of being alive… We can always start all over again. Enjoy God’s amazing opportunities bestowed on us. Have faith in Him always.


Our Curriculum

Year 1 Long Term Plan 2024-2025

You can find our curriculum overviews for each half term here;

Autumn 1 2024/2025 - What is my role in my community?

Autumn 2 2024/2025 - How can I be a steward of God?

Spring 1 2024/2025 - What makes me special?

Spring 2 2024/2025 - How can I bring about change?

Summer 1 2023/2024 - Who is my neighbour?

Summer 2 2023/2024 - How can I be a disciple in the world today?

You can also refer to these documents A Guide to Online Learning and  Age-Related Expectations.


This half term, P.E. will be on Friday Children will need to bring their bring their PE kits with them to school to get changed. 



  • Reading – Every night, must be evidenced in the reading diary with a signature and at least two comments a week. 
  • Spellings and Number bonds – Set on a Friday to be tested the following Thursday. 
  • Maths/English – Set on a Friday, due in on a Tuesday. 
  • Numbots – to be completed at least 3 times a week.


Other Projects

  • Curriculum Tasks (R.E./Science/Topic/Themed) 

Other curriculum tasks may be set for your child throughout the year and your child will be informed when these will need to be returned.

Homework should be handed in on a Tuesday. Any queries or issues can be addressed on a Monday morning. If extra support is needed then please write a message in the planner so the class team can support your child.


We look to Jesus as our guide in praying and learning. Here you will see some of the wonderful experiences we have shared together in Year 1.


Year One had a very special visitor at the end of their English unit, the Big Bad Wolf came to answer lots of questions that all of the children had!

Year One have been learning about praying in different ways. We have been learning to pray through listening to music and meditation.


Year One had a very special Prayer and Liturgy Service. We invited parents to join us to celebrate Mary Our Mother during the month of October.


Year One had a very special Prayer and Liturgy Service. We invited parents to join us to celebrate Peace as part of Advent.

Year One looked at seasonal changes in Science. During our lessons we decorated trees to represent each season.


Sister Eleanor visited Year One to teach us about Catholic Social Teachings.


During Geography Awareness Week, Year One used recycled cardboard to create God's creation.

As part of the Advent celebrations, Year One made Advent Wreaths and learned about what each candle meant (Hope, Love, Joy, Peace and Christ).



Our Values and Mission


Class Prayers

Home Learning

Values and Virtues

Wednesday Word
