Year 4'Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever' - Psalm 107:1 |
Welcome to Year 4! The Year 4 team consists of:
Mrs. Rollins |
Mrs. Dhillon |
Mrs. Akhtar |
We would like to welcome both you and your child to Year 4.
We are looking forward to working with you to ensure that your child achieves their very best academically and spiritually whilst also developing their wider gifts and talents.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child, please make an appointment at the front office and we will be happy to arrange a meeting with you. If I am not available, or if that is not convenient for you, then we can arrange an appointment for another time. Please also refer to the Meet The Teacher Booklet from the start of the year.
Mrs. Dhillon, Mrs. Rollins and Mrs. Akhtar
In God's will, there is great peace. |
key information |
Our Curriculum
You can find our curriculum overviews for each half term here;
Autumn 1 - How are we a family of God?
Autumn 2 - Does modern life harm creation?
Spring 1 - Is influence long lasting?
Spring 2 - How do we journey to find the light of God?
Summer 1 - How can we bring solidarity to our community?
Summer 2 - How can we be good stewards in our community?
You can also refer to these documents - A Guide to Online Learning and Age-Related Expectations.
This half term, Year 4 will be taking part in 'Netball' and 'Hockey' lessons. These lessons will be on Friday. Children will be expected to come to school in school uniform and will then change in their PE kits at school.
- Reading – Every night, must be evidenced in the reading diary with a signature.
- Spellings – Set on a Friday and to be tested on the following Friday.
- Maths/English – Set on a Friday, due in on a Tuesday.
- Times Tables Rock Stars – to be completed at least 3 times a week.
Other Projects
- Curriculum Tasks (R.E./Science/Topic/Themed)
Other curriculum tasks may be set for your child throughout the year and your child will be informed when these will need to be returned.
Homework should be handed in on a Tuesday. Any queries or issues can be addressed on a Monday morning. If extra support is needed then please write a message in the planner so the class team can support your child.
Multiplication Check (June 2024)
In June, Year 4 will sit the multiplication check. An online test that will test children on their fluency of times tables from 2 to 12. Children are expected to practise their Times Tables at least three times a week using Times Tables Rock Stars. Please also find the links below that are useful to practise on.
Please click here to find the document sent to parents at Year 4's meet the teacher meeting in September 2023.
YEAR 4 GALLERYWe look to Jesus as our guide in praying and learning. Here you will see some of the wonderful experiences we have shared together in Year 4.